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Previous: Metadata retrieval
Show files installed by a package
Sometimes an administrator needs to know what files a particular package
has added to the system. Often he would like to use this feature to
get the package configuration files. Even an ordinary user takes advantage
from this operation. For example he may wish to understand which is
the package impact on the machine.
Tabella 5.6:
Display all files installed by a package.
The Debian package management system has a limitation in this and
in the next operation due to its configuration files policy. It separates
two concepts (from [IJ98]):
- configuration file: A file that affects the operation of
a program, or provides site- or host-specific information, or otherwise
customizes the behavior of a program. Typically, configuration files
are intended to be modified by the system administrator (if needed
or desired) to conform to local policy or to provide more useful site-specific
- conffile: A file listed in a package's conffiles file, and
is treated specially by dpkg.
Each conffile is listed in
command shows these files and so PackageFS
may support them, whereas no way to get the package configuration
files is provided. This is currently a flaw of the Debian package
management system. In section 6.4 we show how
to face this problem.
Next: Find the package owning
Up: Usability
Previous: Metadata retrieval