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Elenco delle figure

  1. Definizione della struttura $ \texttt {struct stat}$[Ste96] .
  2. Interazione del Virtual File System (VFS) con le altre componenti del sistema
  3. Lista dei file system registrati.
  4. Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
  5. The GoboLinux directory hierarchy[HMb].
  6. Debconf with the gnome frontend.
  7. PackageFS mounted on $ \texttt {/packages}$.
  8. Default PackageFS view and the net section.
  9. The gcc-3.3 $ \texttt {info}$ fakefile.
  10. AVAILABLE and INSTALL subtrees.
  11. Directories levels.
  12. The whole PackageFS structure.
  13. PKGFS public methods and private data.
  14. Vtree and Ventry public methods and private data.
  15. The $ \texttt {lufs\_fattr}$ structure.
  16. The PkgManager abstraction layer and the PkgDebian class.
  17. The PKGFSCache class
