Next: Caching the virtual tree
Up: Design choices
Previous: Package managers common interface
PkgDebian is a real class that implements PkgManager virtual methods.
It has been built to deal directly with the APT package manager. At
the moment Debian GNU/Linux is the only distribution supported by
The challenge of PkgDebian consists in performing mostly package operations
without the help of other APT tools. Only apt-get should
be needed in order to carry out last packages installation and removal
steps. To achieve its goal this class is strongly based on APT library
and so, it requires header files incorporated into libapt-pkg-dev
package. The first difficulty in developing this part lay in understanding
library objects and their own functions. The documentation provided
with libapt-pkg-doc is very poor, so that I had to look in
depth at the bare APT tools source code. Over again we notice the
importance of source code availability and the opportunity to study
from it. We learnt to retrieve many information from APT cache, and
to do every check we needed (see section 5.3.4).
In this phase we met with the obstacle represented by package
questions. Among studied package managers, the Debian one is the most
interactive: each install operation is composed of unpacking
and setting-up phases. A tool called debconf
manages the second one. When debconf itself is set-up (someone surely
does this operation while installing Debian GNU/Linux system), the
administrator must set the interface to be used for configuring packages.
He has to choose one of the following frontends:
- Dialog: a full-screen, character based interface;
- Readline: a more traditional plain text interface;
- Gnome and Kde: modern X interfaces, fitting the
respective desktops (but may be used in any X environment).
- Editor: it lets you configure things using your favorite
text editor;
- Noninteractive: it never asks you any questions, and sets
default configuration options.
The critical point still resides in daemon input and output (I/O)
activities. A daemon must never perform standard I/O operations. Thus,
dialog and readline interfaces must not be used, since they act through
standard I/O. Other frontends are allowed: the noninteractive one
obviously solves the problem, even if default settings sometimes do
not fit user needs. If we are running an X session, the best solution
is represented by gnome and kde interfaces (the first one is represented
in figure 4.3), because they perform their requests
in a new window. Thus, text-mode users experience
some limitations. They can bypass this problem reconfiguring packages
by themselves with the specific dpkg-reconfigure
tool, but they have to do this operation also for each dependency
installed with the package. In section 6.4
we are going to propose a solution to solve this problem with the help of the
FUSE module implementation.
Figura 4.3:
Debconf with the gnome frontend.
Next: Caching the virtual tree
Up: Design choices
Previous: Package managers common interface